
A Life of Purpose

the world of a great poetic dramatist is a world in which the creator is everywhere present, and everywhere hidden. -t.s. eliot

The business of art is quite intriguing in itself.
Not just the study and creation of art but the art of the artist and his justification for creation is utterly crucial to the history and future of the human species.

Why write?....
Why draw?....
For fun....for money (haha, i know right?)...for others.

This post might be utterly impossible to create from a totally objective point of view as I aspire to work as an author and I find not greater pleasure than picking up an old book....flipping through the brittle pages....softly taking in the scent of thousands of hands of minutes that have passed through it.
However, i will do my best... for all you math/science/business majors. you crazies.

'To be or not to be'
all of you in your heads just finished the given statement with 'that is the question'.
Have you thought about it, though?
Is that really the question?
Is Shakespeare's character Prince Hamlet posing (to himself and 'us') the quintessential canvas on which we all base our daily lives?
What is the point of living?
Who do we live for? Why suffer the real life challenges of day to day life (and yes, there are many...whoever you are) just...because.

Many turn to religion. Tribes of the earliest human beings came up with a seemingly most logical answer: god. Surely, all of this could not have been an accident. The rolling emerald hills New Zealand....the soft yet firm blades of straw that blow silently throughout the African tundras.... the pristine and almost mirror like snowcapped mountains of the Himalayas. all on accident?... absurd.



Through breakthroughs in science and technology and even more astounding in the invention of 'free thought' have led many of our species to utilize a more intrinsic eye. Looking, not to god, but to self.

I have no intention of posting my religious views here...but here is my point:

I write to be. These simple words are my most useful tools in letting you, the reader, connect with me....see whats in my mind or soul if youd rather.

We all are doing the same thing every day: surviving. It may not be heroic. It may not seem hard. But we are all surviving.

I have established my reason for being.

Not for god....not for science... but because, however it happened, the point is it did.
I could undo it. I could end it. But how pointless.

I will leave a legacy. I will leave a footprint.
My name will not be forgot when I have died.

People will flip through books with words that have come from within me.
They will feel me and I will connect with them...

My overall, complete reason for living: to not become not

in more ways than the obvious

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