
Quick Game of Catch Up

I need to try and bring this Blog up to speed with what has been going on in my life since I last posted.... which seems a daunting task... thank god for bullet points... and a 5 6 7 8

-Due to unforseen and relentless Financial Issues for me and my family, I was unable to continue my education at UCLA and ended up moving back to Salt Lake City, UT (which is where I spent the first 18 years of my life trying to escape from)

-Obtained one short lived (3 weeks) job as the Concierge in the Downtown SLC Marriott and later a more long term (4 months) job at Verisys Corporation where I had my own cubicle and collected a lot of data on doctors and pharmacists who were abusing their priveleges... ya know, sexually abusing unconcious patients, giving an extra bottle or two of Vicodin to crazy/beautiful housewives (slightly ironic because they boy that I was dating when i first moved back from Cali fell into the habit of popping pills, which he would get from his Home Health Care patients...for sexual favors. Justice? Or just proof that the USA, in particular Utah, is exponentially drowning their sorrows in temporary highs?.... both, to be sure)

-Last Fall I started school again (THANK GOD) at Westminster College in Sugarhouse Utah. Although I dreaded the idea of attending school in Utah...it turned out to be...not so bad. Interesting classes and at least I was forced to read and write again.

-Dated another boy who was a cop in Draper Utah. He was nice and sweet and had an adorable love for his dog who was also a member of the SLC P.D. - this relationship was defined by meals cooked at home (his), 100s of movies and an endless strain of dog hair. Dog hair, everywhere. Covering everything... well not enough to cover the dude's tracks. Yup, another cheater. Makes 3 now, for me. Is trust even an option anymore?....

-Got a job on campus on Westminster. In the Admissions Office. Receptionist. Very "Devil Wears Prada" meets "The Office". Pay is horrible and the hours blow...but its a job. And im lucky to have one these days. So ill take it.

-Just finished my first full year at Westminster which means I have about one year left. 7 classes. 4 in the fall. 3 in the spring. Then I'll have a piece of paper which will tell me and whoever sees it that I have a B.A. in English. What that will really mean is yet to be determined. OTWT, right?

-For the past 2 1/2 months I have been dating a new boy. So far, things are really going well. We've had our share of speed bumps, but we've kept an open and honest line of communication. Granted, most of the issues stem from my persistent insecurites and doubt that has been engraved into my veins by the previous men I've become intimate with who have left me all but unable to trust another human being through their infidelity. But I am concious of it. And I truly continue to work at it each and every day. Im thankful for this new relationship in so many ways. It forces me to look at myself in ways that people often ignore when they are "single". His family and friends have been amazing as well. Since I have moved back to Utah I have met very very few new people who I could call a sincere friend. The people i've met because of my new relationship are quickly changing that. I adore so many of them and find myself laughing and smiling more than I have in a long time. Many of them remind me of my dear friends back in Isla Vista and Los Angeles. Refreshing....

Alright, I suppose I should go back to work. There are schedules to be made and prospective students to be called.
Time drags during this job. Big time.
But I look at it like this... without my college education, and the people I have met because of it, this blog would not exist. Because I would be a completely different person, possibly indifferent to the severe lack of connection that exists in our ever shrinking world.
Maybe by working here, I can open a similar window to a young student.
Maybe not...
either way, the show must go on.

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