I woke up fairly early this morning (for not having much to do today) and got online to check the news...an action that has become quite routine for me. Through my blurred vision induced surely by the exsessive amount of wine I drank last night, I noticed two shocking headlines. Headlines, in my opinion, that will change the course of the world...for better or for worse...in my opinion, though, more so for the worse.
First: One article stated, quite boldly, that this summer could be the first summer that the North Pole ice could comoletely break apart. This, beside being a clear and obvious sign of climate change, could trigger a plethora of unkindly events that could damage our world all the more if the proper action is not taken. First of all, with the ice broken apart new passages of travel and trade will be opened to the Northern half of the world. Ships could easily sail these seas to reach their destination quicker and more efficiently. Consequently, greenhouse gas emmisions caused by these ships would only worsen the problem of climate change in our atmosophere and the problem would only get worse until there is no ice left at all. Secondly, nations are already fighting over rights to certain resources there that could soon be unveiled. Most importantly...oil. This battle for the rapidly depleteing natural resource could greatly affect international relaitionships. Not to mention the rights for certain passages and pathways. Also, there is a significant amount of permafrost (vegetation under the ice) that will be brought to the surface. There is a significant amount of carbon stored in the vegitation and if it were to be exposed to the open air, that carbon would be re-released into the Earth's atmosophere, only to contribute to the increasing change in climate. Having all of the ice break apart also creates obvious issues for the wildlife that have long since inhabited these lands and could very well lead to their complete extinction. THIS IS NOT GOOD is what I am really trying to get at.... We cannot allow thissituation to worsen through poorly planned practices of trading and travel over this totally brand new navigatble area.
Second: NASA scientists say they have discovered an interesting aspect to the soil on Mars. The new Pheonix Mission to Mars has uncovered many interesting and new facts about our close neighbour...but none so much (in my opinion) as the fact that the scientists have observed that the soil on Mars is much more alkaline than expected. That being said they consequently believe it would be very possible to grow crops there. Now, steering clear from the obvious conclusions one might come to (aka life on mars!!) I really wanted to focus in on how it affects us. If we had the ability to grow and cultivate resources on another planet...we may very well be able to solve a global foot shortage problem. Now, taking into consideration any direct action would most likely take many, many years and the transportation would be a hassal and a half, I realize there are some obstacles to the former conclusion. But....it's possible which makes the thought extremely intriguing. However, lets talk about the countries with the technology to be able to reach this planet and grow their crops...do they have the obligation to the rest of the world to share those resources. Who gets to decide which country gets what? Ethiopia doesn't have the money or technology to grow asparagus on mars. All in all, this is an issue that will be very interesting to watch as it unfolds because it now brings all of our eyes outside our nationalistic point of view and makes the word 'we' much more inclusive.
"Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in"