
In other news....

I woke up fairly early this morning (for not having much to do today) and got online to check the news...an action that has become quite routine for me. Through my blurred vision induced surely by the exsessive amount of wine I drank last night, I noticed two shocking headlines. Headlines, in my opinion, that will change the course of the world...for better or for worse...in my opinion, though, more so for the worse.
First: One article stated, quite boldly, that this summer could be the first summer that the North Pole ice could comoletely break apart. This, beside being a clear and obvious sign of climate change, could trigger a plethora of unkindly events that could damage our world all the more if the proper action is not taken. First of all, with the ice broken apart new passages of travel and trade will be opened to the Northern half of the world. Ships could easily sail these seas to reach their destination quicker and more efficiently. Consequently, greenhouse gas emmisions caused by these ships would only worsen the problem of climate change in our atmosophere and the problem would only get worse until there is no ice left at all. Secondly, nations are already fighting over rights to certain resources there that could soon be unveiled. Most importantly...oil. This battle for the rapidly depleteing natural resource could greatly affect international relaitionships. Not to mention the rights for certain passages and pathways. Also, there is a significant amount of permafrost (vegetation under the ice) that will be brought to the surface. There is a significant amount of carbon stored in the vegitation and if it were to be exposed to the open air, that carbon would be re-released into the Earth's atmosophere, only to contribute to the increasing change in climate. Having all of the ice break apart also creates obvious issues for the wildlife that have long since inhabited these lands and could very well lead to their complete extinction. THIS IS NOT GOOD is what I am really trying to get at.... We cannot allow thissituation to worsen through poorly planned practices of trading and travel over this totally brand new navigatble area.
Second: NASA scientists say they have discovered an interesting aspect to the soil on Mars. The new Pheonix Mission to Mars has uncovered many interesting and new facts about our close neighbour...but none so much (in my opinion) as the fact that the scientists have observed that the soil on Mars is much more alkaline than expected. That being said they consequently believe it would be very possible to grow crops there. Now, steering clear from the obvious conclusions one might come to (aka life on mars!!) I really wanted to focus in on how it affects us. If we had the ability to grow and cultivate resources on another planet...we may very well be able to solve a global foot shortage problem. Now, taking into consideration any direct action would most likely take many, many years and the transportation would be a hassal and a half, I realize there are some obstacles to the former conclusion. But....it's possible which makes the thought extremely intriguing. However, lets talk about the countries with the technology to be able to reach this planet and grow their crops...do they have the obligation to the rest of the world to share those resources. Who gets to decide which country gets what? Ethiopia doesn't have the money or technology to grow asparagus on mars. All in all, this is an issue that will be very interesting to watch as it unfolds because it now brings all of our eyes outside our nationalistic point of view and makes the word 'we' much more inclusive.

"Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in"


"I feel as though I am waking up from a dream"

About one year ago, today, someone very special to me upon his departure stated that he "felt as though he was waking up from a dream..."

At the time I might have told myself, with great confidence, that I, too, was in fact waking up from a blissful dream of passion, love and freedom. Today I have realized that I have been still asleep this whole year.

We hear a lot of cliches about finding 'the one' and getting 'your happy ending',,,its a very pleasant thought for us human beings who live each day unsure of what the future truly does hold through our sometimes unintentional actions. I have come to the conclusion that both of those cliches are completely and totally temporary. Many times I have found the one. And many times I have encountered feelings of an endless happiness with another person. But how is it possible to say such things when we, ourselves, are continuously changing?...
I have given myself completely to another human beings in the comfort of that singular 'happy ending' image.
People change
But you know what.....so do you.
In the end we all get our happy endings because we have all accomplished the task we were all unwillingly asked to perform...to live. To live one day is monumental enough in my eyes because we all change someone or something during our time on earth. It is in that effect that casues me to believe the human life has value.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that I am lowering the value of true love becuase I know it exists...i have felt it unquestionably. What I mean to say....is that we will all meet the one. That one may be for the rest of our lives...of theirs...or for the rest of the semester. And in that relationship of wonderful, passionate proximity you will come to learn more about yourself than in any other instance and that is worth an ending...happy or hurtful.

It took me one year to realize that despite my emotions toward another human being...I, too, have been 'the one'.
in the end we are all eachother's 'one'. We all have the ability to create our own 'happy endings'...through our friendships...through our success..and even through our failures.

My life does have value and I do have the power to change not only the world outside of me...but the world within me as well.

My ending will be happy...and even though it might not be with the singular person I at one time would have hoped, I know I will look back at that time and have no power to stop that significant and unique smile. On my time with him...and my time with me.

Good morning.


A Matter of Perspective

How everyone I know may label/see me:
Out going
Too introverted
Middle Class
Room mate
Old Friend

The point: you really can be anything you want to be...and in most cases, you are more than what you strive for.


"All art is quite useless"

It is always an interesting and seemingly unanswerable moment to discuss the 'state' of art. There is one man in my life in particular whom this conversation always seems to linger around. Whether it be over a glass of wine, near a fire place, or driving across the Utah desert...the state and manner of art is a discussion which is sure to heard. Him, being of extremely knowledgable and exquisite rehtorical mind could argue any side of the discussion. Recently, one of these discussions occured and led to a plethora of interesting ideas and musing which each of us surely appreciated.
What artistic period will our generation be labeled with?
Is art still alive and kicking as it once was?
Is poetry dead?
What sort of philosophical teachings have influenced the world of creation?
All of these questions surely have more than one answer...and all of them really will only be answered in retrospect.
Which is what makes the discussion so interesting and yet difficult at the same time.
As an english major and art history minor my life is entirely based in art...both study and creation. As we continue to spin into a world of global conglomerates and consumerism it seems as though the days of poetry and tangible creation have begun to decline. This could be my own pessimistic nature or it could also be my ignorance to other types of art that, although are not neccesarily what i would prefer to see/watch/hear/feel, nonetheless have been created out of the creative genius of the people of our time.
I would argue that to an certain extent the medium of poetry is dead. That said i completely agree that as long as someone is writing it it still has some life in it. In comparison, however, it seems as though we have let it go as a human population.
We dont have time for it.
We dont care for obscure references or epic stories in verse.
We want to watch and feel action.
We want to be completely entertained through all of our senses.
Movies....video games....sports....
Poetry and classic art have seen better days.
Dont get me wrong... I will do all that i can to keep up the spirit of creation in my work. I will continue to write poetry and romantic (meaning not with the 'love' connotation) novels and experimenting with contemporoary methods of writing.
It just seems that in our general world we have moved on to literally bigger and brighter 'things'.

The art of today.

Oscar Wilde once stated that 'all art is quite useless'
To an extent i would agree with one of my favorite authors.
He also once said that 'life follows art' in the ever lasting argument of which follows the other.
Now...what does that say about the value of our very lives.
More importnatly...with how we spend our time alive.

Do we strive to create for the sake of progress?....or for the sake of leaving your footprint in the future when you have turned to dust?....

A heap of broken images....


Labels and Love

If you ask almost anyone who has ever met me... fashion (or anything associated with it) is not what you would call an interest of mine. I hate shopping for...anything really. Things in general just drain me of energy, so you can imagine how i feel about skinny models dressing themselves in expensive drappery and strutting down the runway....
So then why is it I find myself interested in the world of labels when i watch movies like Sex and the City, the Devil Wears Prada, or shows like Project Runway?....
The writers and producers have somehow found a way to penetrate my material-skeptical heart and tug at my interest. Maybe it's just them doing a godd job...or is it becuase i have become inevitably closer to this world with my assoication with my LBGTQ community (IM NOT STEREOTYPING HERE but the ones who i have come to know have a knack for this particualr area).....or am i truly interested in it the same way others are.
I could never imagine spending 140 on sunglasses by Gucc-ior....and I cringe when i see others lay down their card for that latest 300 purse by prad-vutton....
Even as i sit here in my basketball shorts from kmart and shirt from some community organization i did years ago I find myself completely puzzled i am even spending time discussing this.
However, as it has become more of an interest to me and more of an occupation of my TIME here then Ive decided the best rememdy is through writing....
Maybe i just have abnormal buyers remorse. I hate spending money on things. That was probably intilled in me by watching my mother give countless dollars away to friends simply becuase she was nice by nature and then watching her get screwed over in the end.
Yet i cant stop that slight tug in my legs towards a brightly lit store with items on glass shelves and men in black suits stationed around the store and more mirrors than a freaking fun house...as of late.
Ive never understood the fasicination with labels or the interest in expensive ways to carry your phone or wallet or...dog...
But then again....mos tpeople cant understand my interest in lord of the rings, edith wharton, and early 17th century baroque art.
But then again....arent those creations and creators that please my eye? As i am sure fashion does for my fellow friends....
Well whatever the case, i will keep my strict line between what i want and what i need!
And i NEED those dior sunglasses at the top right about now...


All we have to do

...is to decide what to do with the time that is given to us.

Simple: Possibly
Understood: Rarely

There are numerous ways in which members of the human race can choose to spend their time while they live and breathe.
I would begin to categorize people within these certain activities but I should initially lay out one of my biggest pet peeves and an action I strive to stay clear from: categorizing.
I have attempted to tackle such an easy human tendency as 'categorizing' things or people with care and a delicacte mind however it seems that no matter how we look at the larger picture categories only create greater disconnect.

All of this rambling truly leads to the honest reason for my creating this blog:
To create a connection through deep observation and reflection of the world around and within me.

I WILL write at least once a week.
Many times it may be structureless type...other times I shall find myself creating an all to structured essay....sometimes simply a list of observations. But I hope that you take the time to see how I, Thomas Robert Liam Michael Fitzgerald, see the world.
And I hope that you join me on this journey....
A journey that we all face, whether we realize it or not.