
Stroll Down the Gallery of My Mind

I was an Art History Minor for the first two years of College. I LOVED the AP Art History class I took in High School and the classes I took at Santa Barbara City College... but with all my transferring and the money consttraints, I wasn't able to continue with that. Nonetheless, my passion hasnt died. Here are some of my favorites. Just for fun.

Winged Victory of Samothrace - Hellenistic
David - Bernini
The Ecstacy of St. Teresa - Bernini (if you cant tell,he's my fav.)The Conversion of St. Paul - Caravaggio (fav. painter)
"A SundayAfternoon ontheIsland of LaGrande Jatte"The Persistence of Memory - Dali

1 comment:

Jenna In Wonderland said...

:) I saw the first one when i was in France many years ago- it has remained one of my favorite pieces. Its graceful and strong.